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Groww's 6 design principles

Groww is a mobile gardening app, and these are 6 design principles the team decided on in the early days.

  1. Less is more

    Groww puts garden advice – the right information, simple and concise – at your fingertips, right when you need it.

  2. Grow my garden, grow myself up

    Growing your garden is also growing yourself up – learning new things!

  3. Gardening is a journey

    Gardening is a school of patience : you learn from the past – and your mistakes – to prepare the future. It’s also a story you write, everyday.

  4. Stronger together

    Gardening is not something you do in your own – gardening is about sharing and exchanging ideas.

  5. We’re outdoor folks

    Let’s be clear – gardening is not something you do in front of your computer – you have to put your hands in the dirt. Groww is in your phone – ready to help, but the more the phone stays in the front pocket of your gardening apron, the better.

  6. No spray

    We do not want pesticides, herbicides, or any other ‘-cides’ (from latin -cida, to kill) in Groww. We don’t put any in our gardens, and there is no reason to do otherwise in this app! And beyond: in the garden we should use local ressources – mulch from our clippings instead of cacao beans from the other side of the world, and try reuse and recycle everything that can be used again. This planet is our garden!