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Digital Services Playbook

To increase the success rate of these projects, the U.S. Government needs a new approach. We created a playbook of 13 key “plays” drawn from successful best practices from the private sector and government that, if followed together, will help government build effective digital services.

  1. Understand what people need

  2. Address the whole experience, from start to finish

  3. Make it simple and intuitive

  4. Build the service using agile and iterative practices

  5. Structure budgets and contracts to support delivery

  6. Assign one leader and hold that person accountable

  7. Bring in experienced teams

  8. Choose a modern technology stack

  9. Deploy in a flexible hosting environment

  10. Automate testing and deployments

  11. Manage security and privacy through reusable processes

  12. Use data to drive decisions

  13. Default to open